BodyMind Solutions to Persistent Pain

Have you ever considered that ongoing pain might be connected to the way you’re responding to stresses in your life?  

There is such a connection between our thoughts and how our body functions; it’s almost impossible to look at one without the other.   

You may be very familiar with the fact that the pain you feel gets worse with stress.  

Or perhaps you’d never made the connection before but now you’re considering it, you can see that it is quite likely that this could be the case.  

So the question you need to consider is… do you know how to change things?  

My experience of over 30 years as a Physiotherapist has helped me develop expert skills when assessing and identifying the physical causes of pain.

However, my additional experience as a Psychological Therapist allows me to identify and help deal with any emotional triggers that may be creating physical changes, causing pain

I’ve discovered that sometimes just working on settling down the physical restriction or weakness may only be half of the picture. I provide the missing piece of the jigsaw that can resolve the ongoing persistent pain cycle. 

I can show you how re-writing automatic neural programmes in your brain with some simple MindFit techniques can set you free from ongoing pain. This can then disconnect the triggers that have been resulting in pain.  

Once this has been addressed then your physical recovery is so much easier, which of course I can continue to support you with.  

So if you’ve been suffering from pain that’s just not going away, I’d like to invite you to join me for a consultation. Call to see if The BodyMind Solution could be your answer to getting back to being the person you want to be. 

Clear your Mind Free        *        Free Your Body                   *     Feed Your Soul  


Free telephone appointment consultation available for you to find out if BodyMind Solutions could help you find freedom from pain.  

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