Take a look at what others have said about working with BodyMind Solutions!
I approached Sandra at a business meeting curious to find out more about how she worked on the mind. I was struggling with stress and overwhelm, I wasn’t sleeping and back on antidepressants to help with depression.
I’d had counselling numerous times in the past, which although helped me at the time, didn’t seem to get to the root cause and the low moods would return again and again.
I had my initial consultation with Sandra, she was professional, listened actively and was able to identify behavioural and thinking patterns I wasn’t even aware I had.
I left the first session feeling lighter and increasingly so over the following sessions. Stress and overwhelm was gone but my external events have not changed, I had.
I now feel like a completely different person, I’m more confident, excited about the future and fearless not fearful.
What Sandra does is truly life-changing! SB.
So for the last 5 years I have been working on my body, to improve my physique so I can feel more confident, feel better about myself and yes of course pick up a trophy here and there in some bodybuilding competitions. Coming to realise over the last couple of months that I had some old beliefs that were holding me back from achieving what I really want in life and with my business I started working on my mind.
Why was it more obvious to me to change the parts of my body that I didn’t like, why did I. think that was going to make me feel better about myself? Yes I became physically stronger and I’m sure I’m healthier but the old beliefs in my mind were still there.
Then, through networking and meeting some amazing people one definitely stands out. I want to thank Sandra Lamb for her amazing work what I can only describe as magic for my mind. Making me understand the connections to certain emotions that I made very early in life that were protecting me from further pain caused by people and situations I had no control over.
Yet being 39 now, still hanging onto those beliefs was really getting in the way of my happiness, success in business and confidence. So 3 sessions in and I have a completely new outlook on life and business.
I think it’s just as important to do some exercise for your body to be healthy it is crazy important to work and train your mind. And hopefully in time to come it will be as acceptable to get a personal trainer for your mind as it is getting a personal trainer for your body.
Everyone is different, there is no ‘one programme for all’ solutions, find yours!!! BodyMind Solutions, give Sandra a call if you want results.
– Dee Rombouts.
Thanks for all the sessions, I believe they have helped me a great deal, and, if I have other issues I wouldn’t hesitate to get in touch. Mr J.
My headaches are now so much better (having suffered with them since I was a teenager). Before I begun working with Sandra I was very stressed and and now I have lots of positive energy, feel relaxed and happier. NK
Sandra has helped me so much, I am so much more confident about the future and am able to do so much more. HB
Sandra’s level of scrutiny and care fills you with absolute belief that the exercises do work and will make a difference. LP
With Sandra’s help I am now well on the the road to recovery. Without Sandra’s support I would not have been able to cope. I would not hesitate to recommend Sandra. MS
Thank you Sandra for all your help. You are truly brilliant at what you do. LJ
Sandra put me at ease and provided me with all the information I needed to get the most out of the sessions. Sandra’s approach was calming, welcoming and professional. She tailored the sessions to meet my specific needs and helped me to combat issues which now enable me to cope with situations that would have previously filled me with dread. I am now able to manage my symptoms and take control of the situation. I can now take forward the invaluable techniques that Sandra has taught and guided me on and continue to build on what I now see as essential life skills. Thank you Sandra. HT
I have become much more confident and changed my perspective about life. I am more thoughtful about myself. RL.